Plan Your Visit.
We’re looking forward to meeting you.

We’re so glad you’re interested in joining us! If you’re looking for a church to call “Home” that preaches the Gospel, then you’ve found it! God never intended for us to walk through our lives alone. He is always with you, and has also provided others to walk with you. At Holy Cross we like to call those other people our Church Family. We’re a group of believers that join together to help and encourage each other in all walks of life!
Join us for the weekend worship experience. We want you to connect with our family so you may receive encouragement and a Biblically based message each week that will carry you through the next week. We’re here for Salvation, Strength and Service.

Holy Cross offers something for everyone. We communicate the true Word of God, uplift you spiritually for the week, and equip you to be a disciple! Worship services and Sunday school last about 1 hour each with a few minutes of fellowship in between, but the effects of the experience linger much longer.

Our campus is 2 connected structures – the Worship Building and the Education Building – with parking on either side.
First, park in the Worship Building Parking Lot at 1590 Sebesta Road. Are spaces full? You will find a parking spot in the Education Building Parking Lot at 1200 Foxfire Drive.

Ask a Greeter at the door or at the Information Desk in the Worship Building to help you get to Sunday School or Worship. He or she can connect you with Sunday school classes for children, Youth and Adults. They can even help you get your hands on a cup of coffee from “Holy Grounds” in the Worship Building.

8:15AM – Heritage Worship
Traditional “Heritage” is a reverent service that includes hymns with organ or piano. Receive a worship bulletin to follow the order of service.
9:30AM – Sunday School
Sunday school is available for children ages 2 years old with Parent through 6th Grade. HC Youth (7th – 12th Grade) have their own space and their own class. Adult classes include Adult Bible Class, Praying Parents and College Ministry.
10:45AM – Praise Worship
Contemporary “Praise” service includes the energy of our Praise Band leading music with the lyrics, scripture readings, and what to say or do next posted on screens.

Communion is served each Sunday. You are welcome to commune if you agree with this statement …
As you come to the Lord’s Supper, you are affirming with each communicant that Jesus is our Savior and Lord, that with Lutheran Christians you believe you are a sinful human being without hope of eternal life except for God’s mercy in Christ, that His Body and Blood are really present (not merely represented), and you desire to serve Him as a dynamic disciple in the fellowship of the church. (As a consideration for those who cannot receive alcohol, non-alcoholic wine is available in the center of the individual cup trays.)
If you are unsure about your participation, please wait and speak with Pastor after the service.
8:15AM Heritage Service
Ushers let you know when to approach the table. Kneel and wait for an Elder to serve the wafer and the wine. Pastor or an Elder will dismiss your table, and you can return to your seat.
10:45AM Praise Service
Ushers direct you to the line for a walk-through style of communion that is served by Elders and Pastor.


- Leave Your Name: Let us know you joined us. Write down your name when we pass the Friendship Pad during worship. Pastor Mike Hafer or Pastor Neil Bockelmann will contact you during the week if you are willing to leave your phone number or email address. He will just offer a friendly “hello” without any pressures.
- Take home a newsletter to reference information about Bible studies, connection groups, and activities that meet you or your family’s needs and interests.
- Attend a Bible class for spiritual nourishment and connection with other followers of Christ.